
Showing posts from May, 2018

Videogame review: SUPERHOT

Okay, is everybody insane? So Superhot has had many reviewers, magazines, web sites and players call it “the most innovative FPS in the last couple of years”. Innovative… yes, FPS… not in my opinion even though it is first person. I would put the game in puzzle genre or possibly FPWS (first person wannabe shooter). Mainly if you are wandering whether the game justifies all this hype and even more it’s cost. Short answer is NO. Superhot is perhaps the biggest playable fraud in the last couple of years, but it is also an excellent marketing move by its developers. I mean they did manage to sell the game without any textures (white and orange 3d models) and a 2 hours playtime to a bunch of people for 25 € and all under the marketing trick of matrix in the first person, while the only thing they did was make time move only when you press a key. So you are not any kind of Neo who can avoid bullets, you are simply a character who can do little to assess the situation and decide where t...

Boardgame unboxing: Sagrada

Sagrada is what you could call a „smaller“ game, it comes in an A4 sized box standard depth. The box itself is very beautifully made. In the game you craft stained glass windows in Sagrada Familia, so the box cover is made to look like stained glass where only the parts that represent glass are made with glossy finish. When opening the box what you see that there is no punch-outs or anything similar, the setup you see is much like what your box will look like once you are ready to put it on the shelf. In the box you will get: One set of rules, two cloth bags, 4 player boards, two set’s of cards, one score board, four player tokens, one polybag of tokens and one polybag of dice. All of the cardboard pieces are made with glossy finish, and although I usually hate it because of the glare you get in certain lighting conditions I absolutely get why it is used in this game, it does add to the theme (since everything looks like it was made from glass) and is ve...

Boardgame unboxing: Anachrony

Anachrony comes in quite a large box, much larger than I like my boxes to be, I generally like to have most of my games in standard boardgame boxes, although with a hype of kickstarters and new trends in boardgameing it looks like a “standard boardgame box” size is going to increase in the next few years. But no sidetracking… the size of this particular box is a little bigger than a3 paper and 10 cm thick. Let’s see what’s inside this big boy… Opening it up I found myself in a conundrum, I see no link between the size of the box and it’s components, this may be due to the fact that I have not purchased the version with miniatures but rather the one without them. Perhaps they both come in the same box… Still opening it up, you get two rulebooks (english and german) a solid amount of nice thick punch-outs, three stack of cards, a main board, 4 player-boards, a chronobot board, 4 path boards, polybag of nicely etched and well rounded dice, polybag of tokens and ...