Videogame review: SUPERHOT
Okay, is everybody insane? So Superhot has had many reviewers, magazines, web sites and players call it “the most innovative FPS in the last couple of years”. Innovative… yes, FPS… not in my opinion even though it is first person. I would put the game in puzzle genre or possibly FPWS (first person wannabe shooter). Mainly if you are wandering whether the game justifies all this hype and even more it’s cost. Short answer is NO. Superhot is perhaps the biggest playable fraud in the last couple of years, but it is also an excellent marketing move by its developers. I mean they did manage to sell the game without any textures (white and orange 3d models) and a 2 hours playtime to a bunch of people for 25 € and all under the marketing trick of matrix in the first person, while the only thing they did was make time move only when you press a key. So you are not any kind of Neo who can avoid bullets, you are simply a character who can do little to assess the situation and decide where t...